
Natasha and Lena introduce graduates at Sjasstroj: their needs... medicine, shoes, and Christian love and fellowship

Natasha and Lena with graduates in Sjasstroj

Several of our graduates  went to live and study in the town Sjasstroj, and we decided to continue their support. 

During our first visit we met 20 orphans from that college – young boys and girls without relatives in whose eyes we saw  just one question – will you come again or will you forget us as many did? 

They start their own life, and the life is not easy. They need  someone  to help to  take right decisions, to learn to go to the church where they can find answer to their questions all lifelong.  

So, I want to introduce you to our new graduates project – Sjasstroj College. 

Their needs are soap and shampoos, medicines and snacks, new shoes and coats. 

Their big need is Christian fellowship which we want  to bring them, with God’s will and your support!

--Natasha Kirillova