
40 orphan children find "new life" at summer church camp in Russia!

We thank everyone who supported the Christian youth summer camp conducted by New Generation church (Gatchina). Nadya Stagneeva, the leader of orphans’ ministry and pastor’s wife writes:

We had a wonderful tent camp in Tolmachevo village this summer! We were 50, 40 children and 10 leaders. It was an honor for us to minister to orphans and children from families in need. The program was called “Freedom. Holiness. Ministry!” We spent a lot of time in prayer and worship. Children had a lot of fun during sport competitions and boat trips.

 The food was wonderful. Once children caught many fish, and we made a soup of it. In the evening girls went to the forest and found a lot of mushrooms – we had a delicious supper that day! The most favorite for dessert was pancakes that we cooked on the open fire!

Many of the orphans that we were able to ministry have very difficult life stories.

Alina’s mother was killed, and she saw it. She  is still very aggressive. She asked Jesus into her heart, met new friends at the camp and wants to attend the church!

Viktoria’s parents passed away because of drugs addiction. In the beginning she was very closed, but after the prayer, she was so much changed!

Kostya is a gypsy boy. His mother is in prison for selling drugs, and he has no father. But he has got two younger sisters, 5 and 7 years old. He is a kind boy, very helpful.

We hope to make tent camp next year again. This time we borrowed tents and kitchen equipment from another church, but we hope to buy everything needed for the tent camp next year.

We thank you for all your help and support that you have been making during all those years! Be blessed!”

May God bless everyone  for all you do for these children!

Natasha Kirillova

Bolshevo summer camp blessings and visit from Karen's team from USA!


We thank our  Lord for the wonderful opportunity to have a camp  for orphans and their families in Bolshevo village! This summer we are able to host about 40 members of our projects. 

Children were looking forward the whole year for that event and everyone sends their love and thank you for everyone who made this camp possible! 

Financial situation of all our project members is very hard - this year the camp became a place where their children can have enough healthy food, interesting program,  village life strengthened their health. During the year we mostly visit   children and families or they come for the joint meetings. 

Camp is the time when we live with them 24 hours a day, as one family, and try to set an example of the Christian family, to teach and motivate orphans for the valuable life. We’ve been doing camps like that for many years and some families became our helpers-volunteers.

It blesses us to see how grown up orphans who once received support, now come and help others! 

                              KAREN’S TEAM VISITS BOLSHEVO!

Most of everyday duties in the camp are being made by 3 leaders: shopping, transportation, cooking, supervision, arranging of the activities outside the camp. Two of the leaders, Lena and Svetlana, live at the camp full time. That’s why we are so thankful for each volunteer who help us in our ministry! Especially if these are our dear friends from USA!

This summer God has blessed us with a Karen Jones’ team visit. Ladies stayed at Bolshevo camp and ministered to  orphans and their families with kids. Thank you, Karen and the team, that you gave your heart, time and money  to help those who need it so much! 

Have a family member or friend who does NOT know Jesus as their Lord and Savior? GIVE him or her a copy of HOPSCOTCH!

  • HOPSCOTCH  presents the good news of God's family in simple child-like fashion

     WARNING: This is not a children's book...even though most children will understand its contents.

     It's a book to give to your friends and loved ones who have not yet decided to join the family of God. Hopscotch is a little book about LIFE, about life after DEATH, and about BELIEFS. 

     Although Hopscotch takes on the appearance of a children’s book, it is very much a book for every citizen of planet earth. Where is the hopscotch of life taking you or taking a person you know who has not yet believed on God's gift of Jesus Christ? 

     One thing is for certain: all of us will someday be jumping from the LIFE box of “hopscotch” into the DEATH box. When we take that jump, what happens? Does it matter what you and I believe? 

     In Hopscotch, Myra lays out, in child-like fashion, the logical argument that what you and I believe is critical for deciding what happens to us when we go from LIFE into DEATH. 

     If you have ever tried to explain the simple truth of the gospel to a friend or loved one... and cannot seem to get to first base... give them a copy of HOPSCOTCH

What happens to you and to me after we die? What happens to your friends after they die.  Let little Myra explain it all in HOPSCOTCH.

Who will give little Sergey "FIVE"...JUST $5 to help install toilet and a shower at orphan camp? Give now and your donation is matched!

Little Sergey really works hard at the summer Grace Center camp and needs a shower. Can you help?
The Grace Center in St. Petersburg, Russia, is all about saving children from going into orphanages.  (You can read more about the Grace Center here:  Grace Center.)

Every year, the moms and children at Grace Center have the rare opportunity to go to a rustic summer camp at Bolshevo. There, they learn basic housekeeping skills and learn more about their Lord and Savior.

Natasha Kirillova, head of the Help for Children Charity, has let us know of the need for a toilet and a shower at the camp. Currently, there is no toilet and no shower.

A family in New Mexico (who recently visited the Grace Center) has volunteered to pay up to half the cost of the toilet and shower. If we can raise $1750 for the toilet and shower, this family will donate $1750.

This matching opportunity will be available for one more week. If you can help with a donation of any size, it will be matched dollar per dollar!

A group of volunteers from the Ukraine has volunteered to help build the toilet and shower!

You can make a donation of any size online on our donation page here: BIG FAMILY MISSION DONATION PAGE.

Or, you can mail checks to Big Family Mission at the address listed below.

Thank you for considering this opportunity to bless the families at Grace Center in St. Petersburg, Russia!

For His Big Family,

Ken Dockery, Co-Founder and Volunteer

5 East Penn Street, P.O. Box 287
Lyons, PA 19536
+1 (610) 285-8542

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