
Bolshevo summer camp blessings and visit from Karen's team from USA!


We thank our  Lord for the wonderful opportunity to have a camp  for orphans and their families in Bolshevo village! This summer we are able to host about 40 members of our projects. 

Children were looking forward the whole year for that event and everyone sends their love and thank you for everyone who made this camp possible! 

Financial situation of all our project members is very hard - this year the camp became a place where their children can have enough healthy food, interesting program,  village life strengthened their health. During the year we mostly visit   children and families or they come for the joint meetings. 

Camp is the time when we live with them 24 hours a day, as one family, and try to set an example of the Christian family, to teach and motivate orphans for the valuable life. We’ve been doing camps like that for many years and some families became our helpers-volunteers.

It blesses us to see how grown up orphans who once received support, now come and help others! 

                              KAREN’S TEAM VISITS BOLSHEVO!

Most of everyday duties in the camp are being made by 3 leaders: shopping, transportation, cooking, supervision, arranging of the activities outside the camp. Two of the leaders, Lena and Svetlana, live at the camp full time. That’s why we are so thankful for each volunteer who help us in our ministry! Especially if these are our dear friends from USA!

This summer God has blessed us with a Karen Jones’ team visit. Ladies stayed at Bolshevo camp and ministered to  orphans and their families with kids. Thank you, Karen and the team, that you gave your heart, time and money  to help those who need it so much!